Protection against Subsidiary Liability

Subsidiary (secondary) liability refers to the personal liability of the head of a bankrupt organization, as well as other individuals, for the debts of the bankrupt company (including liabilities to creditors, tax authorities, etc.), for the outstanding debt following the bankruptcy procedure.

Since 2014, there has been a steady increase in cases holding top management liable for subsidiary liability. Unfortunately, this trend arises from the fact that company executives often consider personal liability to creditors too late, when the company is already on the brink of bankruptcy.

Legal disputes concerning subsidiary liability are legally complex, involving exploration of various factors and causes leading to the company's bankruptcy and determining individuals whose actions directly contributed to such bankruptcy.

Yurlov & Partners Law Office has a successful track record in protecting the interests of creditors (both debtors and creditors) in subsidiary liability disputes over many years.

Our attorneys are ready to provide expert legal assistance in the following areas:

  • Conducting a thorough legal and economic analysis of the company's financial standing to identify signs of insolvency Analyzing the company's transactions, decisions made by participants/shareholders, and the board of directors to assess subsidiary liability risks
  • Providing expert consultation on grounds for director and business owner's subsidiary liability
  • Developing a litigation strategy and building a strong evidentiary foundation for defense in court
  • Representing management and company owners in court proceedings.

Rest assured that even if your specific legal issue is not explicitly mentioned, we are fully equipped to assist you.
Contact us, and we will leverage our expertise within the confines of the law to resolve your problem and implement the necessary measures to prevent its recurrence in the future.

Call (495) 913-67-42 or write to us

Pavel Yurlov
Pavel Yurlov
Vladislav Tsepkov
Vladislav Tsepkov
Timofey Yermak
Timofey Yermak
Kirill Gorbatov
Kirill Gorbatov
Alexander Kadetov
Alexander Kadetov
Sergei Gudylev
Sergei Gudylev
Gleb Sitnikov
Gleb Sitnikov
Anastasia Shevereva
Anastasia Shevereva
Irina Busalova
Irina Busalova
Aloyzas Juodka
Aloyzas Juodka
Юрлов ПП визитка
Юрлов ПП визитка

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Телефоны: (495) 913-67-42, 913-67-41
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Дербеневская набережная, дом 11
Бизнес-центр Pollars, корпус А, офис А-205
Москва, Россия, 115114