Kadetov Alexander
partner, lawyer
Areas of Expertise: Legal Support for Real Estate and Construction Matters; Representation of Owners' Interests in Disputes with State Authorities; Applications for Removal of Obstacles in Real Estate Use; Law of Obligation; Comprehensive Legal Support for Corporate Entities.
Alexander Kadetov is a seasoned attorney specializing in various aspects of the law. Having joined the esteemed Yurlov & Partners Law Office in 2011, Alexander Kadetov has built an impressive legal career. He became a registered member of the Moscow Region Bar Association in 2017 (Registration number: 50/8562). Throughout his career, Alexander Kadetov has actively contributed to the legal field. From 2018 to 2021, he served as the chairperson of the Council of Young Lawyers of the Moscow Region, demonstrating his commitment to fostering professional growth within the legal community.
Alexander Kadetov is renowned for his expertise and valuable insights, which he shares through his articles and professional comments in prominent mass media and business publications. His wide-ranging contributions cover topics such as property rights protection, free ownership of real estate, contract law, and issues related to conducting economic activities and liquidating legal entities. He is a sought-after speaker at professional conferences, legal seminars, and webinars tailored to the needs of the business community, where he imparts his knowledge and expertise.
In recognition of his exceptional contributions to the legal profession, Alexander Kadetov has received prestigious diplomas and letters of appreciation from the Federal Chamber of Lawyers and the Moscow Region Bar Association.
Кейсы адвоката
- Отказ во взыскании задолженности за безучетное потребление электроэнергии
- Признание отказа Заказчика от исполнения договора недействительным и взыскание с него будущих убытков
- Сделка по продаже складского комплекса крупному застройщик
- Признание правил землепользования и застройки недействующими
- Спор о недействительности договора уступки права аренды земельного участка
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