Comprehensive Protection Against Hostile Takeovers

Achieving comprehensive legal protection for your business against the encroachment of third parties, commonly known as raiders, who aim to seize control or coerce undervalued sales, demands a complex and strategic defense. Yurlov & Partners Law Office specializes in anti-raider measures, providing professional legal assistance to clients facing such threats.

Comprehensive Protection Against Hostile Takeovers

Hostile takeover attempts on businesses are meticulously planned, swift, and organized actions executed by skilled professionals. Our team of attorneys proactively employs their knowledge, experience, professional intuition, and creative strategies to ensure effective protection against raiders. Hostile raiders can target multiple aspects of your business, such as intellectual property, real estate, and other critical areas. Hostile takeover events often unfold rapidly and catch business owners and inexperienced in-house lawyers off guard, leading to inadequate protection and allowing raiders to seize control.

Customized Approaches for Defending Against Hostile Takeovers

Defending against hostile takeovers requires a custom-tailored approach for each unique situation. Each attempted takeover is unique and demands meticulous examination of evidence, verification of information, and comprehensive legal assessment.

Our legal practice in this area offers two primary methods to effectively protect your business:

  • • Preventive Measures: Our attorneys conduct a comprehensive legal audit of your company's documentation to prevent hostile takeovers. Based on this audit, we develop a customized plan that includes protective measures designed to safeguard your business. Our dedicated legal team will proactively implement these measures to safeguard your business against hostile takeovers.
  • • Repelling Raider Attacks: If your business is already under attack, our attorneys will swiftly intervene, leveraging their expertise to repel the raiders and restore normalcy for you.

If the optimal timing for a legal audit of your company has passed, you can still reclaim your business with the assistance of our dedicated team of legal experts.

A Diverse Team of Legal Experts on Your Side

Defending against or assessing the likelihood of a raider attack requires specialized knowledge in diverse areas of the law. That is why our attorneys, specializing in protecting businesses from hostile takeovers, work together with attorneys who possess expertise in various legal domains. By engaging our entire team of experienced attorneys, we can select the most suitable legal position and effectively implement the necessary defensive strategies to achieve your goals swiftly and efficiently.

Call (495) 913-67-42 or write to us

Pavel Yurlov
Pavel Yurlov
Vladislav Tsepkov
Vladislav Tsepkov
Timofey Yermak
Timofey Yermak
Kirill Gorbatov
Kirill Gorbatov
Alexander Kadetov
Alexander Kadetov
Sergei Gudylev
Sergei Gudylev
Gleb Sitnikov
Gleb Sitnikov
Anastasia Shevereva
Anastasia Shevereva
Irina Busalova
Irina Busalova
Aloyzas Juodka
Aloyzas Juodka
Юрлов ПП визитка
Юрлов ПП визитка

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Телефоны: (495) 913-67-42, 913-67-41
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Дербеневская набережная, дом 11
Бизнес-центр Pollars, корпус А, офис А-205
Москва, Россия, 115114