Yurlov Pavel
Managing partner, lawyer
Pavel Yurlov is a highly experienced legal professional who embarked on his career in 1995 and obtained the status of an attorney in March 1999. He is a valued member of the Moscow Regional Bar Association, holding the registration number 50/3321. In 2003, he founded the reputable Yurlov & Partners Law Office.
Beyond his legal practice, Pavel Yurlov actively engages in public and professional organizations. He serves as a member of the Public Council of the Center for Public Procedures "Business Against Corruption" and the Board of Founders of the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization "Center for Patriotic Education of Youth 'Defenders of the Fatherland'".
With his extensive expertise, Pavel Yurlov provides invaluable legal assistance to corporate clients, specializing in resolving business conflicts, representing clients' interests in arbitration courts, safeguarding their rights with government authorities and law enforcement bodies, and providing guidance in business transactions and commercial real estate matters. He has successfully represented clients in significant projects involving renowned companies such as IKEA, Sobinbank JSC, Masshtab JSC, and the Slavyanskiy Mir Group of Companies.
Pavel Yurlov's unwavering dedication to delivering high-level and qualified legal assistance has earned him numerous expressions of gratitude from clients, some of which can be found in the Testimonials section of the Law Office's website. He has been honored with certificates from the Federal Chamber of Lawyers of the Russian Federation and the Moscow Regional Bar Association. In recognition of his contributions to the work of the Institute of the Commissioner under the President of the Russian Federation for Entrepreneurs' Rights, he was awarded diplomas in 2013 and 2014. In 2014, Pavel Yurlov received the esteemed lapel badge "150 Years of the Russian Bar Association."
Pavel Yurlov actively participates in roundtable discussions and legal conferences, where he shares his insights and expertise. Additionally, he has contributed as an author to various professional publications, further showcasing his knowledge and commitment to the legal field.
Публикации в прессе
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